Tuesday, May 18, 2010

First time for everything!

Well, like just about anything in life, there is always a first time in photography. My first "official" photo shoot. My first PAYING photo shoot. :) My first engagement shoot. My first bridal shoot. My first wedding - then I quickly decided I'm not QUITE ready for that yet. lol. Well, I am honored to show you my first official newborn shoot. Now most newborn shoots can happen really anytime in the first few weeks of a child's life. The purpose is to capture what the baby looked like at birth because they change SO QUICKLY!
Emmalyn was about 7 weeks when we took her pictures and was just perfect! Well, except she was super sleepy and probably mad we were keeping her awake. But other than that, she was perfect. Even though she cried most of the shoot, I think we still managed to get some great shots! I felt bad we were keeping her awake when she wanted to just go to sleep! Sorry Emmalyn! Look how cute she is though!

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