Monday, January 2, 2012

Favorite Shots of 2011

2011 was a great year. I quit my full time job to start this little dream of mine. While I have been taking pictures for years, this past year was the first year I had time to dedicate to the business side of things. With Spring promotions, Summer weddings, Fall mini sessions and even leading a "how to" conference for moms on taking better pictures of your kids, this year has been jam packed! I've learned a lot, been inspired and have a list of things I want to accomplish in the years ahead.

As this year comes to an end, I like to make sure all of my images are fully backed up on my external hard drive. I do this after each session, then again at the end of each year I take off the last year's pictures off of my hard drive. 2012 starts with a clean slate, as well as a clean hard drive. But as I was going through my images from this past year, a few of my favorites popped out at me that I wanted to share....

Charlie's first Christmas: This image, taken just a few days ago, is of our newest little kitty, Charlie, as he discovers the magic of Christmas and all things glittery! This string of silver beads were my grandmothers. I try every year to put them on my tree but instead they end of being play toys for the cats and that is fine by me. ;)
This stunning shot literally captures my heart. I took this is Nicaragua last month. These girls were waiting in line to receive a toy bag that our team put together. This would probably be the only toy she will receive for Christmas this year. Her eyes are so powerful to me in this picture. I love it. It makes me long to go back to Nicaragua and hug more of these children.
Pure joy is what this shot screams to me. This little girl was one of the happiest little girls I've photographed. She was adorable, as was her mom. I could tell they were so close and this picture just says it all.
This little cutie is my nephew. He loves dogs and I can just hear his little squeal as the doggie licked him. I love the face he's making. Love it!
I could have watched this daddy dance with his daughter all evening. In one dance, I could tell just how proud he was of her but just how badly he didn't want that dance to end. And this daddy's girl must admit, I cried while watching them share this moment.
This little guy was such a joy. Those blue eyes with that blue hat against that green grass. I just love how props come together with the perfect subject and make a picture!
This picture is one of my favorites for more personal reasons. This whole shoot was one to be remembered. These horses wouldn't leave us alone so we went with it and photographed Anna Laura's maternity pics WITH the horses. This particular horsey tried to get a little up close and personal and started nuzzling her head. I love her laughing in this shot. So natural.
And Landon makes the cut again. It's no surprise that this little guy is one of my favorite subjects to photograph. He's the perfect animated age, makes the best facial expressions and only lives 40 minutes away. This one he's holding his daddy's hand walking down to the water's edge. I think my favorite part of this photo are his little boat shoes. :)
For being a photographer, you would be surprised at the lack of photos on our walls. I'm very picky about the photos I print out and hang up. This is one of those photos. I love everything about it. I love the detailing in his hair. I love the way his eyes pop. I love the contrast of his black against the white snow. And most of all, I love this dog!
This same month, I held an impromptu engagement session at my house for this cute couple. They braved the cold weather and thankfully were able to one of my favorites shots of 2011. Doesn't it look like a winter wonderland?
Hope you enjoyed this stroll down memory lane. Happy New Year! Stay tuned for more great photo shoots in 2012!

1 comment:

  1. Great photos! I love the way you capture the emotion of the moment.
